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House vs. Condo

Ever contemplated living in a condo? Want to know what the big deal is? Or are you a current condo dweller thinking about making the big switch? Well have no fear! We took the time to develop a pro and con list for both!



  • You have access to amenities like pools, gyms and lounges
  • You do not have to bear the burden of maintenance
  • Often times more affordable than a single family home


  • Although affordable, condos also have fees that are associated with it
  • Because it is similar to living in an apartment, noise and privacy may be an issue
  • After you’ve had you time of condo-living, it is harder to sell condos than houses



  • The house is yours and you have free reign to do whatever you please to it
  • By owning a home you are able to create and build equity, which is a great opportunity
  • You have the ability to sell your home for more than you bought it for through appreciation


  • The home is yours, meaning you have to pay for maintenance and repairs
  • If the location is bad you still have to stay there
  • Down payments and monthly payments can be extremely expensive